Sunday, December 31, 2006


a year of surprises. that is how i would call 2006. we may plan our own way, with whatever power or will we have got, but in the end, god's grace will show one for us. "manusia boleh berencana, tetapi tuhan yang menentukan", that is how they say. really, 180 degree life changing experience i have in this year. planned to do A, ended up with Z. which after giving it a deep thought, is more beautiful in its own way.

i would say i have ended this year splendidly. got my footstep here in IUJ, had an amazing fall term, and closed it with a wonderful hiroshima-nagasaki-fukuoka-osaka tour de japan. never before in my life i thought i would have such privileges.

well, of course i wouldnt write all the details here *you know me, i know you :D
i am more than happy to keep all the good and bad times of this year deep down inside my very heart. now, to all of you my family and friends and loved ones, thanks for making this year as beautiful as it could be. i am nothing without you.

many had come in 2006, more to come in 2007! god bless!