Friday, June 18, 2004

[rational] products

1. Configurable Process:
- Rational Unified Process

2. Software Configuration Management:
- ClearCase
- ClearQuest

3. Requirement & Analysis:
- RequisitePro

4. Visual Modeling & Development:
- Purify Plus
- Rational Rapid Developer
- Rational Rose
- Rose Technical Developer

5. Automated Testing
- Rational Robot
- Test Realtime
- Test Manager
- XDE Tester

6. Project Management
- Project Console

Rational Project Components:
- 1 Rational Test Datastore
Ms. Access / SQL Sybase, stores functional & performance testing assets & artifacts such as: test suites, test plans, test cases, reports, test logs, scripts, user, groups.

- 1 RequisitePro project
consist of requirement documents, dynamically link to a database.

- 1 ClearQuest database
consist of a schema and a user database. schema stores all schemas & all data associated with existing schema (forms used to submit & modify a record, field types & legal values, states that a record can be in, etc). while user database stores all user data & a copy of the schema associated. it includes change request records such as defects, reports, record or tables, and all data entered by users.

- n Rose models
can represent business process, software component, classes and objects, and distribution & deployment processes.

1. ClearCase Admin creates VOBs (Versioned Object Base).
2. Project Manager creates the UCM project, with an initial starting point (baseline).
3. Developers join the UCM project, by creating their private work area and populate it with content of the project baselines.
4. Development is ongoing.
5. Developers deliver work to the shared workarea.
6. Release Engineering builds the product, periodically the delivered works from developers is integrated by building the project executable files in the shared work area.
7. Project Manager creates the new baseline.

[rational] RUP

hi there,

here is what i got after digging several books and documentation about rational products. dunno if this is valid or irrational, just keep on reading...

Rational Unified Process


1. Inception
- milestone: lifecycle objectives
- output:
-> a vision document: a general vision of the core project requirements key features and main constraint
-> an initial use-case model (10%-20% complete)
-> an initial project glossary
-> an initial business case which includes business context, success criteria, and financial forecase
-> an initial risk assessment
-> a project plan, showing phases and iterations
-> one or several prototypes

2. Elaboration
- milestone: lifecycle architecture
- output:
-> a use-case model (80% complete)
-> a software architecture description
-> an executable architectural prototype
-> a development plan for the overall project, included the coarse-grained project plan

3. Construction
- milestone: initial operational capability
- output:
-> the software product integrated on the adequate platform
-> the user manual
-> a description of the current release

4. Transition
- milestone: product release
- output:
-> beta testing
-> parallel operation with existing system
-> conversion of operational database
-> training of users and maintainers
-> roll out product to marketing, distribution and sales team


1. Workers, the "who"
more to a role rather than an individual. responsibilities assigned includes both to perform a certain set of activities as well as owner of a set of artifacts.

2. Activities, the "how"
activity usually expressed in terms of creating/updating some artifacts, such as a model, a class, or a plan. granularity generally a few hours to a few days.

3. artifacts, the "what"
an artifact is a piece of info that is produced, modified, or used by a process. artifacts are the tangible products of the project. artifact is used as input by workers to perform an activity and is the result or output of such activities. artifacts in form of: a model (use-case, design), a model element (element within model such as class, a use-case or a subsystem), a document (business case, software architecture documents), source code, executables.

4. workflow, the "when"
workflow is a sequence of activitiesthat produce some valuable result and to show interaction between workers. workflow in form of: sequence diagrams, collaboration diagram, activity diagram.


1. the 6 core "engineering" workflow
- business modeling workflow
- requirements workflow
- analysis workflow
- implementation workflow
- test workflow
- deployment workflow

2. the 3 core "supporting" workflow
- project management workflow
- configuration & change management workflow
- environment workflow

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

[management] biz opportunity (warnet)...

Saya adalah pengguna jasa internet yang setia, hampir setiap hari saya pergi ke warnet untuk mencari berita lalu terbersit di pikiran saya untuk mendirikan warnet sendiri. Pertanyaan saya apakah untung ruginya jika saya mendirikan warnet dengan modal pinjaman dari bank dan bagaimana cara me-manage pendapatannya untuk angsuran bank ? Terima kasih, Dedi Saputro

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Mendirikan suatu usaha memerlukan proyeksi perhitungan income yang diteruskan ke rugi laba dan arus kas. Usaha warnet memang cukup menjanjikan saat 1997-1999. Namun saat ini persaingannya sangat ketat ditambah kebijakan Telkom yang saat ini sebagai provider access broadband untuk warnet yang men'charge' biaya cukup mahal.

Walhasil tidak sedikit warnet yang gulung tikar karena skala ekonomis yang harus dicapai lewat jumlah pengunjung dan access hour minimal harus naik - supaya usaha warnet bisa survive. Saran saya jika Bapak memang punya lokasi traffic pengguna warnet bagus seperti dekat lokasi kos-kosan pelajar/mahasiswa mungkin masih feasible.

Cara lain juga dengan mendiferensiasikan layanan misalnya cafe internet. Hanya saja biaya awal untuk membuka cafe internet cukup mahal - modal kerjapun bisa puluhan sampai ratusan juta jika lokasi diambil di prime district/mall area.

Untuk mengambil pinjaman modal kerja dari bank dengan rate pinjaman masih diatas 14% saya rasa Bapak bisa kesulitan untuk mengembalikannya. Ini bukan saya pesimis tetapi memang kenyataannya agar BEP dan Pay out time nya bisa terpenuhi, Bapak perlu bantuan pemodal yang bisa memberikan bunga di bawah bunga bank untuk usaha warnet.

Saran saya pak Dedi perlu lebih jeli melihat peluang - coba cari tahu usaha yang pak Dedi justru belum tahu banyak selama ini. Masih banyak usaha lain yang memberikan keuntungan atraktif selain warnet.

[comments]: when i was in university, it came accross my mind to establish a warnet (ofcourse together with my friends), at that time, we still can charge about Rp. 4.000,- for one hour browsing, but now, i heard that they only charge you Rp. 2.000,- /hour. many of them cant survive in such an unhealthy competition. many of them evolved to an online game (which i think is more beneficial economically). well i think, government (telkom particularly) plays an important role over here. boosting up the broadband fee will kill this industry, which is contrary to the vision of spreading IT (computers and internet) to the whole nation.