Friday, August 20, 2004

[open source] what makes a good open-source project?

Open source is gaining momentum lately, not only operating systems, also applications and it's development framework. The good thing about its existence is we have more options in choosing which solution to fit our requirements. But the issue now is, is it better to spin-off another projects as open-source project instead of supporting the existing one to become more solid? (provided they are similar). Remember, too many options might be confusing as well... :p
Here are some good reasons in deciding whether to spin-off a new open-source project.

1. First of all you have to create a quailty product which finds a solution for a specific problem.
2. Have a vivid mental image so called "vison".
3. Have passion to finish what you have started.
4. Have leadership, people needs leaders to be motivated.
5. Always take the first steps, write the first code, draw the first diagram etc.
6. You must be in communication with others. Tell about your project everywhere!
7. Create detailed documentation about any idea or code.
8. Create a attractive web site.
9. Give deadlines for every action even for yourself. ("A goal is just a dream with a deadline.")
10. Watch a successful open source project.
11. Do never release buggy versions.
12. Provide patches as soon as possbile.
13. Create easliy installable software.
14. Inform users that your project is actively being developed or maintained.
15. Create comments for every line of your code.

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